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How To Get a Logo Designed In Less than 60 Minutes?



Design Logo In 60 Minutes

A business logo is something which gives you identity!

When we’re looking to get a logo developed for one of our startups, believe me, it took 5 days to get it done. We tried different logo contest platform and after many iterations, we got it done after 5 days.

Design Logo In 60 Minutes

This was such a pain and so, I thought to start looking for such a resource in advance and finally came to a website called freelance logo design.

With the help of this site, you can get your high-quality business logo designed in less than 60 minutes. Yes, I mean it as I tried it.
So, in this post, we are going to talk about how you can get your business logo in less than 60 minutes, what will be the cost involved and many other things.

As of now, 8400+ customers have got the logo designed and the average turnaround time is just 14 minutes. Also, the rating received is 4.9 out of 5 which can be considered amazing.

How Freelance Logo Design Site Work?

The working of the Freelance Logo Design website is pretty simple and follow a simple few steps.

Step 1: Share your requirement

The first step is to share your requirement where you need to mention how many designers you want to work on your project. Then a few other details like

  • Logo Name
  • business details
  • color theme of your company and logo you want
  • any further details

freelance logo design requirements

Here the pricing depends on the number of designers you need. For example, if you need 3 designers, it will cost you $19.

Logo Development Pricing

Similarly, if you need 4 designers to work on your project then it will cost you $24 where they will create 8 custom logos for you. And once you like any design, just buy it by paying an additional $49.

Logo Development Pricing

Step 2: Assigning Designers

Once you have submitted your order, the freelance logo design team will assign the designers to work on your project on right away. Depending on the number of designers you’ll select, the double design you’ll get. For example, if you’ve selected 3 designers then you will get 6 designs to select. From those 6 designs, you can select the one you want.

Step 3: Get the delivery

Within 60 minutes, you’ll get the logo samples ready which will be sent to you. You can scan these logos and select the one which is a good fit for you.

Step 4: Make the purchase

Once you’ve selected the final logo for you, it’s time to make the payment and get the logo copyrighted for you. This will just cost you $49.

How much it will cost to get a logo designed?

Getting a logo designed with the freelance logo design is quite affordable. When the other companies charge $500-$1k, with freelance logo design, you can get it at a much cheaper price. Now let’s see how much it will cost you total.

The price is divided into two parts-

  • The initial cost of order which depends on the number of designers you need. The minimum designers you need to select is 3 which will cost you $19.
  • The final price which you need to pay while selecting the final design which is $49

So, the minimum total cost is $68 which is still very cheap compared to the other players in the market.

Features of Freelance Logo Design

Here are some of the amazing features of freelance logo design services-

#1 60 minutes turnaround time

This is simply amazing where within an hour, you will get the logo designed. Usually, you’ll find companies taking days and weeks to finalize and so, if you are looking for a quick solution this is the platform for you.

#2 Professional Design

This is very important!

The logo is an asset and in the longer, it will turn out as your identity and so, you need to be careful while finalizing it. It should be professional, should have good color combination, and most important, it should convey the message your company does.

#3 Unique and Exclusive

This is the best thing I found with freelance logo design team. All the logo designs they share are unique and will be exclusive to you.

#4 Pricing

Yes, pricing is another benefit I found with freelance logo design. When other companies’ charges hundreds of dollars for a single design, freelance logo design offers you the complete solution just in $68.

#5 Hire Individual Designers

Yes, you can also hire individual designers to get your work done. Simply check their designer section and you will be able to see the profile of their designers and their previous work is done. From here you can make a contact as well and get your work done.


These were all about how to get a logo designed in less than 60 minutes. If you also want your logo to be done quickly, this is the platform for you. If you liked this post of Tech4EN, please feel free to share your views in the comment box.

Rahul is a full-time blogger and love to write about the various topics including Blogging, Technology, IT, and several other topic. He is also an affiliate marketer and write here at Tech4EN about his experiences.

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