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How to Start a Pay Per Call Campaign?



start pay per call campaign

You absolutely want to start Pay Per Call campaign, but still confused where to start?

Believe it or not?

The Internet world has surely opened the doors to many marketing opportunities with the pay per click varieties for social media platforms. Certainly, there is still an older marketing technique to enhance your business, which is still the most valuable technique and method. Of course, I am talking about Pay per Marketing.

start pay per call campaign

What is Pay Per Call marketing?

Let us begin with the summary of Pay Per call marketing. It starts with its roots of in the retro style of publishing simple advertisements on newspapers, which urges the consumers to call the number mentioned in the newspaper ad and buy that product or service, this especially happens in the late night which are completely designed to force you to dial the number and try out what exactly they’re selling.

The benefit of Pay Per Call is that you can use the method for companies with which they can easily track their return on investment (ROI). In infomercials, marketers provide individual phone numbers to each and every infomercial and track the consumers who are calling. This makes it simple and easier to note in that how much response they are getting for their investment.

With the positive effect of digital marketing, each and every track can be easily taken to the individual lead phase, and Pay Per Call has completely changed into a high performing marketing channel.

How to start pay per call campaign- Top 3 steps to follow

Let’s start and see how to start pay per call campaign and scale it to higher side. These are pretty basic steps to start pay per call campaign. And once you have successfully launched, you can further take it to another level.

Choose a Product/Service to Promote

Before you get started with your Pay per Call campaign, you’ll need to decide what product or service you will be promoting.

choose a product

Of course, you will want to review the pay-out. You just need to see how the product conversion works. Most Pay Per Call offers the convert at a particular duration, but sometimes they need the customer to press a key before beginning with the process and it depends on the key which offers pay-out, or not.

Here one more thing you should note is the niche you’re working. Pay per call campaigns are not for everyone as the cost associated is more. And so, promote only those products and services through pay per call ad those ticket size and profit margin is high.

Usually, this has been seen that niches like Healthcare, Banking & Finance, enterprise software & services, law suits etc. These are preferred as their cost is high and also those are recurring customers.

Make an IVR system

IVR system is a caller system which tracks everything about your caller. It lets you know about call filtration, transfers, and attempts. IVR system allows all marketers to create and manage their own IVR and publish it deciding if you send the caller directly to the offer. The IVR is a golden opportunity to pre-sell callers (customers) with a professional recording system and filter them to selective offers based on the options. Again, you should also use the call tracking software to identify the call source and other insights. This will help you optimize the ad campaigns.

how ivr work

Decide How You’ll Track

Before you set up the campaign, don’t you think it’s a good idea to review the results? Or the exact way which you will measure your campaign’s performance and results? If you are having a mobile search campaign and using the call extensions, then real option you have is to track or trace by ad group with different numbers. You can name your phone numbers.

To track the inbound calls, you can start using any call tracking software. One I always recommend is Ringba. Ringba is currently world’s leading call tracking software for the business. This will fetch you the insights like-

  • Source of the call
  • Geography location details
  • Duration of the call
  • Conversion details
  • Call recording and making notes during the call and more

How to scale the campaign?

Now let’s say you know how to start pay per call campaign and also have started it. You have used the call tracking system which enabled you tracking your unbound calls. And even you are getting good benefits with the pay per call campaigns.

But what after that?

For all the time you won’t be sticking with the same ad and revenue…right?

So, for all this, you need to scale the pay per call campaigns. To scale a pay per call campaign, you can have an insight like what kind of campaigns have worked for you in the past. This can be easily fetched through the call tracking software you’re using.

Once you have all these details, start creating the similar kind of campaigns for the products and services and start promoting. This will help you scale and grow with the pay per call ads.


These were all about how to start pay per call campaign and scale it to a higher level. I have tried to follow the basic and essential steps to start pay per call campaign which you can use as well.

If you’ve business which you think will be suitable for the pay per call ad, it is the time to start pay per call campaign. Do start pay per call campaign and let me know if you’ve any doubt. Also, if you liked this Tech4EN post, please share with others.

Rahul is a full-time blogger and love to write about the various topics including Blogging, Technology, IT, and several other topic. He is also an affiliate marketer and write here at Tech4EN about his experiences.

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