3 Methods To Bypass AdBlock Detection on Websites

As a blogger, I strongly support ads should be served on the websites in a clean manner. That means, there should not be many ads so that the users’ experience will be bad but should be served so that publishers can earn.
Because for the many publishers, ads are the only source of income and so, if ads won’t be served, they won’t earn.
But due to increased number of Adblockers, publisher’s income have been impacted a lot. And so, if you want to support those publishers who serves just few ads, you can follow the method I am explaining below to bypass AdBlock detection.
Nowadays, publishers have started using the plugin which detects the adblocker and if found, they will show you a popup to disable it. Else you won’t be able to access anything.

AdBlock Detection Message
So, today, in this blog post of bypass AdBlock detection, will show you how to remove this issue and how to whitelist certain websites which serves few ads from adblocking.
Bypass AdBlock Detection on Websites- Top 3 Methods
Table of Contents
The steps to bypass AdBlock detection on websites are simple and you can easily do it.
Whitelisting websites on adblocker
This is the easiest way to bypass AdBlock detection!
You can simply allow that website to show the ad and by this way you’ll be able to access the content and other material of that website.
I prefer whitelisting those websites which serves few ads and using those ads, user experience is not impacted.
To whitelist a website, all you have to do is, just click on the AdBlock plugin that you are using and select don’t run on pages of this domain.

Whitelist a Website in Adblock
This option will allow ad on the current website which you have whitelisted and block ad on all other remaining websites. If you want to whitelist other website also, just repeat this process.
Easy way to bypass AdBlock detection in one-click
Here is another easiest way to bypass AdBlock detection on any website. Again, in this method, you need to follow and bypass the AdBlock detection on individual websites.
Here you can bypass AdBlock detection using JavaScript. The protocol any ad blocker use is through JavaScript only and so, if you’ll stop using JavaScript, the plugin won’t be able to track itself.
But you should note here, if you are blocking the JavaScript then any action on the website which require JavaScript, won’t work. And so, if you are doing just for the reading purpose, it’s good else you may find few features not working.
To disable the JavaScript, you can check the below screen and again should be done for each website where you want to bypass AdBlock detection.

Click on site information and then on site setting to get this page
Bypass AdBlock Detection Using Temper Monkey Script
This is the 3rd and all-in-one solution to bypass AdBlock detection!
Here the AdBlock detection will be bypassed for all the websites and you won’t have to do for all alone. This is a plugin which basically bypass the plugin which detects whether the browser has adblock installed or not.
As this is a plugin again and so you need to install Greasemonkey on Firefox or Tampermonkey for Opera or Chrome browsers.
Once you have installed these plugins on your respective browsers then you need to subscribe to the filter for the specific adblocker you are using in your browser.
Once you have done all that, you can install Anti-Adblock UserScript plugin and then relaunch the browser. That means just close the browser and start it again for the changes to take place.
That’s all you have to do with the plugin and rest of the work will be done by the plugin. It will simply detect all the website which uses some plugin to detect the adblocker and will bypass AdBlock detection.
You should also note that this is not a global solution, and, on some website, it may not work. And so, if it is not working, we have the above two option which will do your work.
These were all about how to bypass AdBlock detection on websites. These tricks will work perfectly on the leading browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari. And works with the adblockers like AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, uBlock Origin, and Adguard Adblocker.
So, you can try any of these methods and start getting rid of such AdBlock detected sites and enjoy doing what you were doing.
If you will find any issue, feel free to share in the comment.
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