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Best Voluum Alternatives 2020 | Affiliate Tracking Solution



Best Voluum Alternatives 2020

Looking For The Best Voluum Alternatives?,Read On.The digital world we live in today has transformed our lives in one way or another. For some, it is now easier to learn new skills and polish existing ones while others showcase their skills and talent to make money online.

When it comes to making money online, affiliate marketing is one of the primary sources that most people rely on.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

In simple terms, affiliate marketing refers to you promoting and generating sales for products developed/sold by others, and earning a commission on each sale that you make.

There are service/product websites on which they directly welcome interested people to become affiliates and start selling the services/products.

There are also websites like that sell a wide variety of items and allow people to become affiliates and promote any products listed on the platform.

Best Voluum Alternatives

Also, there are dedicated affiliate marketing platforms where sellers list their product, and marketers can choose the product to promote based on the commission earned, type of consumers targeted, etc.

One important point to remember regarding affiliate marketing is that the commission you earn per sale is dependent on the product that you choose to promote. Websites like and other affiliate marketing platforms have variable commission rates depending on the specific product or product type that you promote and sell.

Now, how is each sale that you make accounted for?

Well, whenever you become an affiliate on any platform/website and choose a product, a unique URL or product code is generated. Whenever someone uses this URL/code to make a purchase of the specific product that you are promoting, the sale is registered in your account, and you get a commission depending on what the platform/website has promised you.

What is an Affiliate Tracking Software?

An Affiliate Tracking Software is a tool that lets you track how well your affiliate endorsement is performing by monitoring metrics such as page views, click-through rate, impressions, etc.

With the help of affiliate tracking software tools, you can experiment with different affiliate marketing strategies and find the best placement/form of endorsement that works with the type of product you’re promoting, your audience, and your website.

What is Voluum?

Developed by Codewise, Voluum is one of the popular affiliate marketing tools out there. Voluum offers several features that help track, analyze, optimize, and scale the success ratio for affiliate marketers.

However, just like any other product/service, Voluum cannot satisfy 100 percent of all customers. So, if you are among those dissatisfied Voluum customers who are looking for a better alternative to the software, then today we bring you a list of the top affiliate marketing tools in 2020 that are also the best Voluum alternatives out there.

Top 3 Best Voluum Alternatives in 2020

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One of the most popular alternatives to Voluum is ClickMagick that works on all platforms generally used for affiliate advertising such as Microsoft Bing, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Google.

Below is a brief outlook at the features offered by ClickMagick:

  • Cross-Device Tracking: With Cross-Device tracking, you can track the activities done by a single prospective customer across all their devices. With statistics suggesting that an average user has about three devices with an active internet connection, this allows you to be sure of all the activities of your customer related to their purchase.
  • Track Sales via Phones: If you close sales through phone, then you can track them as well by just making a small tweak to the forms you use. A scarce feature to find, even if some affiliate tracking software does allow you to track phone sales, they aren’t always accurate. However, ClickMagick allows you to track and record your phone-based sales accurately.
  • Provide Data to Ad Networks for More Customers: Companies such as Facebook and Google implement AI techniques to get you customers. However, the AI works based on the sales data it tracks and generally tends to miss around 20 to 25 percent of your sales. With ClickMagick, you can get accurate and complete sales conversion data, which can then be uploaded onto the platform you advertise on for better reach to prospective customers.
  • Intelligent Split Testing: One common mistake most people do when it comes to split testing is that they do not wait until the campaign gets over and make assumptions on a winner. With ClickMagick, the intelligent and automated split testing algorithms alert you with a winner after statistical analysis. They can also auto-redirect all the future traffic to the attractive option as well.
  • Realtime Data Availability: All the metrics displayed on this platform including ad spends, conversion rates, average order value, ROI, etc. are processed and updated in realtime to give you access to the most recent data available.
  • Target Audience Based on Device and Location: You can choose to dynamically redirect visitors to separate website pages depending on the type of device they use or their geographical location, thus allowing you to increase conversions.
  • Auto-Filtering for Bots: Bot traffic can really mess up the meaning of statistics collected and also waste your advertising budget as well. With the automated filtering of bot traffic, you can omit or completely block bot traffic to ensure that the stats you see are 100% accurate.

ClickMagick affiliate tracking software services are available as three different plans. There is the “Starter Plan” that costs $27 per month and is perfect for new affiliate marketers. Then there is the “Standard” plan that costs $67 per month and is ideal for growing businesses that wish to scale up their marketing game quickly. Finally, there is the “Pro Plan” priced at $97 per month and is aimed at the power users with about a million or so clicks to track each month.

Post Affiliate Pro

Yet another globally popular affiliate tracking software, Post Affiliate Pro is a very easy-to-use yet useful tool that is aimed at both professionals and amateurs alike.

Here are some of the awesome features of Post Affiliate Pro:

  • Support for Various Affiliate Links: All the common types of affiliate links such as redirect links, new style links, anchor links, SEO links with mod-rewrite, and direct links can be tracked using this software.
  • Custom Affiliate Tracking Code: Not just you, but the merchants selling the products will also need to track the sales. With most merchants having multiple products to sell and different sales tactics, it becomes harder for them to track affiliate sales. However, with Post Affiliate Pro, there is a feature called “Affiliate Sale Tracking Codes” which, when enabled, allows affiliates to define a custom tracking code for their sales, which then will be added to the thank you page that the customer sees after making an affiliate-based purchase.
  • Tracking of Direct Links: A unique feature of Post Affiliate Pro, direct link tracking makes it easier for affiliate marketers to understand how well their affiliate links and ads are performing in SERP. Moreover, direct links will also reduce the chances of customers removing the affiliate tracker from links before making a purchase and also increases the trust customers have while following the link.
  • Forced Matrix System: This feature removes the limit on the maximum number of referrals that any affiliate can refer to. This feature makes great sense if you are working for a merchant that has multiple commission tiers defined for affiliate sales.
  • Fraud Protection: With Fraud Protection, you can be assured that fraud transactions aren’t recorded or accounted for in the data that is displayed to you. Moreover, you can also avoid repeated sales along with fraud transactions.
  • Support for Multiple Currencies: Thanks to the support for multiple currencies, you can track sales regardless of where your customers are from or using what currency they use for the purchase. Not just monitoring sales done in other currencies, but you can also then easily convert them to the default currency that you use as well.
  • Different Tracking Methods: There are various tracking methods to choose from, which you can change depending on the type of audience you receive. The available tracking methods are first-party browser cookie tracking, third-party browser cookie tracking, HTML5 cookie tracking, flash cookie tracking, and IP address tracking.

In terms of pricing, there are three triers to choose from, namely: Pro, Ultimate, and Network. The “Pro” plan will cost you $97 a month, the “Ultimate” plan costs $197 per month, and the “Network” plan is priced at $477 per month.


One of the newer Voluum alternatives out there, JotURL aims at providing you with an all-in-one suite of features and tools to enhance your affiliate marketing skills.

To give you a better understanding of JotURL, here’s a look into its features:

  • Vanity URL: Create branded deep links which will make affiliate links seem less obvious and help to increase your CTR (Click-Through-Rate) by about 34 percent.
  • Call to Action buttons: Create custom Call to Action buttons to generate sales leads and thus improve conversions.
  • Track Conversions: Tracking your conversions will help you in identifying the best revenue sources and then you can focus your budget and time on such sources for better results.
  • Add Retargeting Codes: You can add retargeting codes within your affiliate links thus allowing you to stay in touch with your customer and thus build a remarketing strategy.
  • Conduct A/B Testing: A/B Testing is essential to find the right type of products and marketing strategies that work well with your type of website and audience. With JotURL, you can create and experiment with multiple variations and pick the most effective one that boosts your conversion rates.
  • Target Audience Better: With JotURL, you can also target your audience to find where you get the best conversion rates from. By identifying such products, you can effectively promote those products to customers who are with similar interests and are looking to make similar purchases.
  • Smart Rotator: With Smart Rotator, you can keep track of returning visitors and then greet them with specific messages, redirect them to custom landing pages, and more.
  • Create Time-based Campaigns: With time-based campaigns, you can automatically set to redirect your audiences to different landing pages depending on when they visit your website.
  • Customized QR Codes: Users can generate custom QR codes to link their offline and online marketing streams, thus providing better sync throughout all the marketing channels, and also a better outlook of the overall sales performance.
  • Monitor Link Parameters: JotURL also let users monitor various parameters related to their affiliate links, including the ability to monitor broken links, click fraud, link safety, and more.
  • Share Data with Others: If you wish to share analytics and performance data with others working in your team or your partners/clients, you can do that easily using JotURL.
  • Advanced Reporting: Apart from offering you a view of all the data that matters for your marketing campaigns, JotURL also lets you create well-detailed reports, thus making campaign analysis an easy task.

From the feature-set provided, it becomes clear that JotURL is a very flexible affiliate tracking software targeted towards a wide range of users with different requirements.

The same is also reflected in its pricing structure, which also gives options to their customers. There are three different plans offered by the platform, and both are available in monthly and yearly based prices.

The cheapest plan is the “Growth” plan that costs €7 (approx. $8.30) per month for the yearly plan and €9 (approx. $10.70) per month for the monthly plan. The next in line is the “Pro” plan that costs €55 (approx. $65.20) per month for the yearly plan and €69 (approx. $81.) per month for the monthly plan. The most expensive plan offered by JotURL is the “Business” plan, which costs €135 (approx. $160) per month for the yearly subscription and €169 (approx. $200.2) per month for a subscription every month.

Which Voluum Alternative Should You Choose?

Again, as we mentioned in the beginning of this article, no one tool fits the requirements and likes of all. So, the best way to find the best Voluum alternatives for your purpose is by checking them all out.

Also Read: Best Backpage Alternatives

Luckily, all the Voluum alternatives mentioned in this article does come with a free trial option, using which you can easily experience all of the software features without having to pay the full premium.

Also, if you are currently using some other best Voluum alternatives, which you feel is a worthy affiliate tracking software, then do mention the name of the software along with your experience using it as a comment below.

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