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7 Ways to Convert Your Website Visitors into Conversions



convert website visitors into customers

So, you have a ton of visitors, that’s great! Now, why aren’t your sales improving as drastically as you predicted? Well, that’s because people are getting to your page, and then leaving before they buy anything! It’s okay because you can put a stop to that now.

So, no matter how many visitors or users you’re getting, if you’re not earning from it, it’s not of much use. And so, you should take care of the points which can help you convert website visitors into conversions.

convert website visitors into customers

7 ways convert website visitors into customers

Let’s start and see some top tips to convert website visitors into customers. These are just the pain points of any website and will help you convert into sales.

1. Give Away Something for Free

Hopefully, when people visit your site, they have the intention of making a purchase or signing up for your service. But even online you get those people who are “just looking,” and usually they don’t want to be bothered with a ton of questions and slow loading pages. But you can gently nudge them into that mighty conversion rate by offering something for free.

What you give for free is entirely up to you although many companies opt to give away information rather than a product. Information goes a long way, and it helps the customer feel like they’re making a more informed decision. Offer new visitors to sign up for a mailing list or free trial of your service.

2. Answer the Awkward Questions

Is shipping free? How long will it take to get here? Is there a better price somewhere else? Is this secretly a subscription service? We’ve all had these questions and online there’s no one to answer them except maybe a chatbot. But you can use SEO content marketing to help you navigate these questions.

Answer the questions that you know your customers will have while naturally providing useful information too. For example, “Free shipping on (keyword) orders over $50! Delivery within 3 business days!” which answers two questions while specifying the keyword as well.

3. Understand Requirement

This is equally important! You need to understand what is required and what demand you have. It should not be something like, people need SEO tool and you’re selling office products. And so, this is equally important to understand what your customer need.

Also, you should look for the best offers on those products and services you can. For this, you may check directly with the company offering this and ask for some special privilege.

4. Make it Visual

Whether it’s Instagram, YouTube or a short-animated clip on your homepage, people respond to videos. Videos and photos have a significant impact on engagement and are one of the upcoming trends in SEO. Get ahead of the trends and start utilizing pictures and videos now to show cautious buyers your product or service in a positive light!

visual vs text

5. Make it Easy

When people have to wait forever for a page to load, then have to go through a captcha and then have to enter their credit card information and then have to create a sign in with their email or Facebook profile, they dip out. In other words, people aren’t going to go through all that hassle when they could go to Amazon where their payment and shipping information is probably on file already!

Instead, make the visiting and transition processes as comfortable as possible. When you’re asking for information for your newsletter sign up, only ask for their name and email. When you need information for them to check out, use a box that allows them to acknowledge their billing and shipping information is the same. Make it easy.

6. Show Off What Makes You Special

Branding is a great thing, and it will keep people involved even if they don’t contribute to your conversion rate right away. When you visit niche jewelry site or a slightly kooky Esty shop, you’ll notice that they aren’t trying to look like their competitors. But they’re also not trying to be the opposite, because well, they’re just showing you what makes them special.


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7. Recycle Your Marketing

The thing is people forget about all the websites they visit and the ads they see, so you need to give them a second chance. Many SEO marketers will use slightly different ads for products that the user recently viewed reminding them of what they thought they wanted! This also include the A/B testing as well. For example, you may try different ad placement or make some mixture of text and image. This will help you identify what is working or what not.

a b aplit testing

Based on these, you’ll be able to know what is working great for you. As you can see from the below image, variations always work and you can try. This is also applicable to email marketing, social media marketing etc.

ab testing result


These were 6 top tips to convert website visitors into customers. These will help you earn from your website traffic.

So, if you’ve decent traffic, it is the time to follow these techniques to convert website visitors into customers. If you follow any other technique also, please share that with me in the comment.

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